Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Goals are the single most important factor in achieving success.Without a realistic goal, how will you ever know when you have reachedyour success level. All successful people set goals. All goals must berealistic, short term, measurable and obtainable within the bounds of yourown perception.Goals are the single most important factor in achieving success.Without a realistic goal, how will you ever know when you have reachedyour success level. All successful people set goals. All goals must berealistic, short term, measurable and obtainable within the bounds of yourown perception.

A positive attitude is the second factor that successful people havein common. I have never met a truly successful person who I wouldconsider a "self made" success that did not have a positive attitude.These people relate to the world on a positive basis. They alwayslook for the "can do" not the "can not do" side of every situation. "If youthink you can or if you think you can't, you're right." All successful peopletruly believe not only in themselves, but in the reality of their goals.A positive attitude is contagious and when it is sincere, the peoplewith whom you come in contact will relate to you and your activities with avitality and positive attitude that causes a winning, successful environment.



Skype: sheena prailleau01

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